หญิงอเมริกันตั้งครรภ์ พบสัญลักษณ์พระเยซูบนไม้กางเขน ตอนตรวจอัลตราซาวนด์
เมื่อวันที่ 20/04/16 (โดย Elzindu Constantine) ได้มีการรายงานข่าวประหลาด เมื่อหญิงตั้งครรภ์ไปตรวจอั
Date : April 20, 2016
Location : Indiana, USA
News states:
A trip to the doctor’s office revealed something other than the baby’s sex for one Indiana mom. While the day went as planned initially, it was the ultrasound photos she received that have since gone viral. Aley Meyer of Evansville, Indiana sees what she describes as a holy image on her growing baby’s ultra sound. According to Aley, the picture appears to show Jesus hanging on the cross. “It looks like Jesus hanging on the cross, and so we took a picture of it and blew it up on my phone to get a closer look and like there is so much detail. You can see the hair and his legs crossed at the bottom and everything,” Aley said. Astonished, Aley’s mother, posted the photo to Facebook and it didn’t take long before the news quickly spread. The expectant mom said she didn’t even notice it at first. It wasn’t until someone pointed it out at her baby shower a week later. Aley’s baby boy is due in June and she says she likes to think the image is a subtle message from God.
รายงาน : Elzindu Constantine